Week 5 Design and continuing working on Values from last week. I’m quickly discovering the joy of being in the “You don’t know what you don’t know” phase of art making and moving right on into what they are calling “Conscious Incompetence” .
There is a lot of information coming at us very quickly, although we have the entire year to revisit. I’m finding it a little frustrating and challenging without having any feedback on our assignments. I’d like to know if I’m on the right track, or way off, or how to improve. They are teaching us a ton about what to look for and why these principals will improve your art which is great and makes sense. Kind of like the saying if you teach a man to fish rather than give him a fish. I just want to know what type of fish I caught or if I caught a rock. 😂
I love your comments and questions. Looks like you’re getting a good feeling for values and also brush strokes, it’s an interesting piece and maybe it doesn’t matter whether it’s a fish or a rock (unless you’re hungry!)
First-definitely not a rock! I love your sense of humor! You have a nice mix of values in an interesting design. I’d say the study was a success!
We’re all different in how we learn, but I think there’s a saturation point for new information coming at you. Maybe just give yourself time to let it sink in, especially since you have a year. And you can always revisit the material a second time if you need to. I’d say you’re doing great!
The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy creating and learning. It looks like you are doing that!
First of all, I think you’re cruising Maureen. This study is very interesting to look at. I love the energy the directional changes in your brushwork bring. Your darks pieces lead me around your canvas. Bravo!
You are enjoying the painting process, the learning and the challenge of it all…that can’t help but bring growth. My experience has been similar to Deb’s comment. I try my hardest to learn…I seem to take away the things that I can or need at the moment…then months later have the aha moment about something I didn’t see at the time. It’s a lifetime of looking for the aha’s… It’s also what keeps me excited about painting! Good luck and Enjoy!
You’ve done a great job of using values to move the eye around this study. Learning to do that is huge.
I think it is just overwhelming to try to learn and apply everything they are teaching. Be kind to yourself and just work on the big things like value and design. As you said, you have a year to go over it. Also, many people take the course several times, so hopefully, for me too, it will sink in when we are ready.
I think you have a great start…remember you are using acrylics which have a learning curve as does painting abstractly ( which you seem to be doing). You’ve
Got some wise advice within this group as well!
Oh my goodness you all are so amazing and supportive! I just love you! Thank you for reminding me of what is important and for sharing such thoughtful words of advice. I am enjoying it all up and so thankful to be a part of this group!