Still working on this one 😀 It’s one of those keep working on it until it gets worse then hopefully better 🤞😂
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Feels like a collage, interesting texture.
I love it! Reminds me of the 1960’s.
What a great design! Great shapes and colors.
Pretty colorful spring flowers, I like the composition, the whimsy of the green stem and the large petals coming from the upper left corner.
It’s really nice, Maureen. Did you enjoy CVP? I got really busy in May and didn’t really finish it or do it justice.. D o you have any interest in going back over some of it together this winter? I could use the incentive if you’re interested.
Hi Sharon! I did enjoy CVP! I felt like they really covered so much useful and important information. However, it went so quickly given all the content they were presenting us with.
It was too much for me to absorb it all over the 12 weeks. So, I would absolutely love to go back over the material together during the winter with you! I decided to join the Art2Life Academy and check it out for at least 30 days. Are you a member of the Academy?