Things were very crowded but in Paris we drew in the dorsay, petit palais, the louvre. I spent the day at the louvre studying this very gentle painting of father and son. London- national gallery, national portrait gallery, leighton house and the Tate (my favorite). Great to be home- hopefully after I rest I will draw more. Love to all, Margaret

Wow, what a trip. thanks for sharing. I can only imagine how it must be, being in all those wonderful places. Welcome home.
It looks like you get a tremendous amount of inspiration from the museum trips you take. Your work here is beautiful. I’m glad you’re back safe and sound.
What an incredible experience you must have had in these museums. Your drawing has beautiful clarity in shape and value. I’m sure not so easy to boil a complex painting down that way. Well done!
Thank you for sharing a bit of your trip! Must have been wonderful…. I love your drawing. It really focuses on the composition and makes me see the painting so much better!
What a tremendous experience you had, to be able to sit and sketch from some of the great works of art. I was especially attracted for some reason to your detail in the hands, nicely done.