I’m repainting some of my past paintings, trying to remember what I learned last month…. I’m trying for softer edges, fresher colors and painting shapes not things

I’m repainting some of my past paintings, trying to remember what I learned last month…. I’m trying for softer edges, fresher colors and painting shapes not things
The redo feels much looser and freer to me and I like the splashes and drips. cool
I really like them both. Your sky is much looser in the redo, and the leaning rock stands out much more, but both are beautiful.
The redo is so much more alive. Your colors are brighter, especially in the sky & water. Love those little drips. Changes the whole feel of the picture.
I like the looseness in the redo. the little splatters and drips give it vitality!
I liked the first one but really like the redo! Especially love the looseness of it all and like the way you have reshaped the rock in the foreground. Just beautiful.